Monday, December 27, 2010

A Commitment to Excellence

Sometimes I just really identify with the Oakland Raiders of the 2000's. The early years of the decade had some highs but everything since then has been a laugher. Every season begins with some hopes and dreams but they always end up in the pits. Even when it feels like we're making progress, it's hard to say for sure because the end result is that nothing really changes. It's demoralizing and discouraging but there's really nothing else to do other than to keep stubbornly trying, even if there are no guarantees that next season will be better no matter how hard we hope to turn things around. Things could very well turn out even worse.

That's what I think of when I look back on the last decade of my life. The autumn wind is a pirate. But I feel a nocuous chill in the air.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys

I'm not gonna rail about how we keep losing games. I just feel compelled to point out Alexis Ajinca's quote at the end of the recap article.

"I guess French guys don't like Golden State," Ajinca said, laughing.

It angers me that a French guy would laugh at my team. I still haven't forgiven Mickael Pietrus for those missed free throws in Game 2 of the Jazz series back in '07. And that incident was capped off by his infamous (in my mind, at least) decision to take his puppies for a walk in Golden Gate Park so as to get his mind off his errors. Gah. (You can't see me, but I'm shaking my fist in rage as I type this.)