I'm starting up a new month-long (approximately) series of brief posts. I am going to share one truthful small bit of information about myself each day. I think I'll try to write true stories or facts that most people generally don't know about me and are too indifferent/uncreative/afraid to ask me. Now, don't expect me to tell you my social security number or mother's maiden name or anything. I have to keep a little something to in reserve to maintain my mystique.
There are a few reasons why I am gonna try this.
1. I am the most interesting man alive.
2. I feel like my writing skills have atrophied over the past several months due to disuse, and I need to do something, anything, to exercise them... This is the equivalent of lifting a one pound dumbbell once a day, I guess.
3. You know what they say about writing: "Comedy is hard and drama is easy, but any fool can write autobiography." Or something to that effect. I don't know who says that. I might've made it up myself. Whatever.
Here is today's true story:
The first comic book I ever owned was X-Men Classic #62, which my dad bought me way back around the spring/summer of 1991. Changed my life. The comic itself was a reprint of Uncanny X-Men #158, in which Rogue (still a supervillain at the time) and Mystique infiltrate the Pentagon, and Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Storm, and Carol Danvers (aka Ms. Marvel, and depowered at the time of this story because Rogue had absorbed her powers) must stop them.
No, I don't hold the story in any particular high regard now, but I am not ashamed to admit that it still blew away my seven-year old mind. Just look at this awesome Mike Mignola cover!
To this day, I still have no idea what's happening on this cover. I assume Rogue must've absorbed Storm's powers. It's just crazy, though, with all the lightning and bolts of raw energy blasting out of Rogue. It looks like she's killing the X-Men! Storm looks unconcious, Wolverine looks dead, and Nightcrawler looks too scared to teleport! Those lightning bolts are everywhere, and shooting out of Rogue's body! Not even her hands! Look at that picture! Lightning bolts are flying out of her breast and buttocks and she's still killing the X-Men! Take note that I don't think this scene really happens in the actual story. So as a kid, I was just super confused, and yet blown away by the unrestrained madness in the artwork that I was hooked for life.
And now you know the genesis of how I became a comic book lunatic. I owe it all to a Mike Mignola cover on a dated Christopher Claremont X-Men reprint.
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